Wednesday, March 14, 2012

First post

Hello, this is Debunker11. I know there are thousands of sites and blogs dedicated to cryptids, UFOs, psychics, etc., but not very many are both entirely scientific, unbiased, and with a good supply of jokes as well (Why did the runner quit the race against Bigfoot? He couldn't face defeet!). This site is for scientific explanations for cryptids (yeah, I know all you real biologists are probably laughing), although this is difficult, as crptozoology is considered a pseudoscience. But if you eliminate, without a chance of human mistake, all possibilities but one, then cryptozoology becomes a true science. So you also have to consider all factors, no matter how seemingly insignificant or absurd, to determine the existence of a cryptid. It is quite possible some megafauna cryptids have gone extinct in modern times, but leaving behind a legacy of myth. An excellent example is the Haast's eagle, a giant eagle (thought to be the largest known true raptor known) which went extinct in New Zealand in the 14th century, around the same time human settlers arrived, as they probably hunted the giant flightless moa bird to extinction, which was probably the eagle's main prey. But megafauna cryptids can exist, two famous examples being the okapi (confirmed in 1901) and less known to be a former cryptid, the giant panda, confirmed in 1869. So please, give opinions, post jokes, and consider everything.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So totally 'you'. I will be your crypto student. Especially looking forward to more jokes.

  3. Asa,
    You are my sunshine...full of surprises, inventiveness and wonder. Here's to cryptids everywhere and anywhere.
